A blog about crowd sourcing, companies that perform this activity, and how you can use crowd sourcing to your advantage.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Types of Crowd Sourcing

Several forms of crowd sourcing are available to anyone and everyone. Whether you're trying to start up a business, need helpful ideas and insight, or simply looking to seek advice from the public, crowd sourcing is for you. 


, (http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/what-is-crowdsourcing/) classified crowdsourcing into three main categories; crowd funding, crowd sourced design, and crowd wisdom. Here is a little information on each of the different types.

There are several different forms of crowd sourcing that exist, all extremely beneficial. The first, crowd funding, consist of companies that use crowd sourcing to obtain money from people who voluntarily pool their money together in order provide money to the company they wish to support. Some examples include everything from disaster relief to funding need for a new start up company.

Another form of crowd sourcing is known as crowd sourced design (creative crowd source). Crowd sourced design allows companies that may be low on resources or in scarce supply to obtain contextual opinions, or helpful information in regard to the design of a company's website. Crowd source design allows the community to feel engaged in supporting their company of choice.

Crowd wisdom takes advice, information, and basic wisdom from individuals willing to contribute any knowledge they may have on a subject and submit it to a website in order to answer questions. Crowd wisdom can be beneficial in the fact that it takes into account the wisdom from a crowd of individuals rather than getting the information from a single expert. That way individuals can compare the responses a crowd provides to the expert in order to come to a well thought out conclusion.

Photo Credit: Introducing Crowdsourcing http://www.thinketc.com/introducing-crowdsourcing/

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