A blog about crowd sourcing, companies that perform this activity, and how you can use crowd sourcing to your advantage.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Global Companies Taking Advantage of Crowd Sourcing

Sure crowd sourcing sounds like a great idea, but is it effective? Do companies even use crowd sourcing? The answer is yes and yes. Companies such as Coca-Cola, McDonald's, IBM, Microsoft, General Electric, even Google all take advantage of crowd sourcing. What these companies all have in common is that fact that they are all global companies. Coincidence? Most likely not, these companies appreciate the idea of receiving feedback and ideas from individuals and customers. A company is only as successful as their customers make it, and becoming a globally successful company requires a great deal of research into different parts of the world, including seeking out information pertaining to the specifics of where their customers are coming to them from. 

Coca-Cola takes advantage of crowd sourcing by holding contests where individuals may create and send in a video/animation contest for their Coke-Zero product. IBM on the other hand hosts meetings called innovation jams where people come from countries and companies all over the world just to brainstorm areas the company could improve upon. In their largest jam session, IBM had more than 150,000 people come help support the company. In one of the most simplest form s of crowd sourcing available, Microsoft began what they referred to as a 'crowd sourcing blog' where some of the company's developers wanted to start up a discussion with the public getting their opinions on Windows 8. Google also has become well known in the crowd sourcing aspect of allowing individuals to send in video contests and have asked for videos including ideas for promoting Google Chrome, as well as videos promoting Google tools. GE constantly seeks information from individuals regarding eco-friendly ideas for their company. And finally, McDonald's held a contest requesting real pictures of individuals to be used on their products.


Photo Credits:  http://www.freshnetworks.com/blog/2011/03/coca-cola-cut-ad-spend-and-invest-more-in-socia-medi/

1 comment:

  1. Interesting examples. Can you explain what are criteria for creative crowdsourcing? Why are these examples creative?
